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Quality, compacts, porro and roof prism designs for binoculars and scopes...
Designation values, eye relief, weight & cups, exit pupil, and twilight factor.
Focusing, field of view, depth of field, weather proofing and nitrogen fill.
Lenses, mirrors, coatings, aberrations, distortions, and alignments.
Construction, Objective lens, eyepieces, angled or straight, and focusing.
Heads, legs, monopods, shoulder stocks, and window mounts.
About, power, editing, considerations, cameras, techniques, and effects.
Holding techniques, cleaning, carrying, and protecting your optics.
Starlight TechnologyNV Types, Starlight Technology defined, basic design and IR Illuminators.
Generation 1 to 4 - levels of NV technology, types of devices and their uses.
How to use, controls, and care for NV devices, extending capabilities.
Digital NV and Thermal Imaging, how they work and compare to standard NV.