Welcome to the Optics4Birding Expert Reviews, the section of the site where our panel of reviewers look at the latest binoculars, spotting scopes and other birding supplies on the market. We have taken a very comprehensive look at the products available to give readers all the current information possible. If you want to know what you will get and what you can expect in an optics purchase, you will find it here.
Expert Reviews
Featured Reviews

GPO Passion HD 10x42 Binoculars
GPO's best birding binocular
Swarovski NL Pure 10x42 Binoculars
Redefining image quality and ergonomics
Zeiss Victory SF 8x32 Binoculars
Zeiss top quality mid-sized binos
Kowa TSN-99A Spotting Scopes
Kowa 88 now has a big brother
Swarovski ATX/STX Modular Spotting Scopes
Swarovski’s revolutionary modular spotting scopes
Zeiss SFL 8x30 Binoculars
Zeiss high quality light weight binocularsBinocular Reviews

Barska Level ED Open Bridge Binoculars
Best Replacement for Eagle Optics Ranger
Kowa Genesis 33 Binoculars
Kowa's superb mid-sized HD glass binoculars
Zeiss Victory SF Binoculars
Zeiss's ergonomic masterpiece
Leica 10x42 Ultravid HD Binoculars
Leica's high quality all-around binoculars.
Leica Trinovid Binoculars
Leica's first close focusing binoculars
Nikon 42-mm Monarch M5 Binoculars
The world's most popular binoculars
Pentax Papilio Binoculars
Ultra close-focusing butterflying binoculars
Swarovski EL Swarovision Binoculars
Swarovski's innovative Swarovision binoculars
Vortex Razor HD Binoculars
Vortex's flagship HD binoculars
Zeiss Terra ED Binoculars
Zeiss's inexpensive nature-watching binocularsSpotting Scope & Tripod Reviews

Zeiss Victory Harpia 95mm Spotting Scope
Zeiss's innovative wide angle spotting scope.
Leica Apo-Televid Spotting Scope
Leica's spectacular 82-mm spotting scope
Nikon Monarch ED Fieldscopes
Nikon's mid-priced ED spotting scopes
Pentax PF-65ED II Scope
Pentax's compact and lightweight scope
Swarovski 65 HD Spotting Scopes
Swarovski's tremendous 65-mm spotting scope
Kowa TSN-883 Spotting Scope
Kowa's amazing 88-mm scopes redefine the topArchived Expert Reviews

Alpen Wings ED Binoculars
Stylish, double-hinge design binoculars
Alpen Shasta Ridge Binoculars
Impressive quality, phase-coated, low-priced
Brunton Eterna Binoculars
Brunton's redesigned full-sized Eternas
Celestron Granite ED Binoculars
Celestron's best nature-viewing binoculars
Fraser Optics S250 Image Stabilized Binoculars
Fraser Optics' top-rated IS Bino
Kenko 42-mm ultraVIEW ED Binoculars
Kenko's full-sized ED glass ultraVIEW binoculars
Kenko ultraVIEW EX Binoculars
Kenko's super-light 32-mm binoculars
Kowa BD42-XD Binoculars
Kowa's BD42 binos get better and less expensive
Kowa SV 32-mm Binoculars
Kowa's lightweight affordable binoculars
Kowa YF 30 Binoculars
Kowa's high-performance porro prism binoculars
Leica Duovid Binoculars
Leica's dual magnification binoculars
Meopta 6.5x32 MeoPro Binoculars
3-ft close focus, high quality, low cost binoculars
Meopta MeoPro HD Binoculars
Meopta's Full-sized Price Performer
Minox Apo HG Binoculars
Minox’s superb binocular line, re-designed and improved
Nikon EDG 42-mm Binoculars
Nikon's exciting, cutting edge binoculars
Nikon Premier Binoculars
Nikon's redesigned Premier binoculars
Pentax DCF BR Binoculars
Pentax's double-bridge 9x42 binoculars
Pentax DCF SP Binoculars
Pentax's excellent, mid-priced birding binoculars
Swarovski SLC HD 42-mm Binoculars
Swarovski's HD version of an old favorite
Vanguard Endeavor ED Binoculars
Vanguard's economical ED glass binoculars
Vortex Viper HD 42-mm Binoculars
Vortex's HD-glass version of the Viper binoculars
Zeiss Victory FL 42-mm Binoculars
Zeiss's beautiful old Victory binoculars
Zeiss Victory HT Binoculars
Zeiss's brightest binoculars everSpotting Scope & Tripod Reviews

Brunton Eterna Mid-Sized Scope
Brunton’s affordable ED glass spotting scope
Kowa TSN-773 Spotting Scope
Kowa's excellent 77-mm scopes
Vortex Razor HD Scope
Vortex’s finest spotting scope to date
Zeiss 85-mm DiaScope
Zeiss's top quality spotting scope