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Swarovski SOC Stay-On Case BTX Eyepiece Module

Swarovski SOC Stay-On Case BTX Eyepiece Module

SKU: SKU 49955

CID 156678

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MSRP: $273.90 USD Your Price: $249.00 USD You Save: $24.90 USD
Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours
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The Swarovski SOC Stay-On Case BTX Eyepiece Module protects the BTX Eyepiece Module from impact damage, and is an absolute necessity for keeping it safe. The case remains on the eyepiece module both while in use and while not in use, as some of the most harmful damage to spotting scopes if often sustained when your tripod topples over.

Swarovski guarantees for the entire range of branded products purchased from authorized Swarovski retailers, a global and full life-time warranty covering manufacturing and material defects under normal use beginning with the date of purchase.

The warranty does not cover damage caused by accident or maltreatment. All warranted defects will either be repaired pending feasibility and availability of replacement parts or replaced with either the same product or with a piece of equal value as determined by Swarovski. Swarovski however is lenient with these services.

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